Special Deal:
Hanalei Beach Estate vacation rental in Hanalei, Kauai

Special Deal:
Pine Tree Villa in Hanalei, Kauai.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Phone or email directly here, or browse one of our vacation rentals in Kauai and contact us through the check availabilty button.  For your convenience, we’re available 9 AM to...

Minimum night requirements vary depending on vacation home and condo rental properties on Kauai. Some properties offer discounted rates for stays of a week or more. Depending on the...

Each property offered by Allure Kauai has weekly & nightly rates that vary through out the year, depending on season.  Our web rates begin at low season pricing.  High season...

We accept cash, check, and Visa, Master Card, & AMEX card payments. Please note: Credit card payments are subject to an additional convenience fee of up to 4% towards the...

It is always best to have an on-island agent that you can trust when traveling to the middle of the Pacific.  Allure Kauai is among Kauai's most trusted agencies for...